On god.

July 6, 2022

On god.

July 6, 2022

To any trans person who feels the grip of the dark spiral we are in right now, read the words of this prayer by Reverend Valerie Spencer.

The god that was forcefully indoctrinated into me, that I was groomed to love, that held the true me in a prison within my soul, died many years ago.

I found the real God at 25 years old when I realized that She and I are the same divine being. My God is not the god of white, Abrahamic men. My God is not a god that demands blind faith and prayer, or asks me to prioritize the humanity of the powerful over those who truly deserve salvation.

I fought my God for years after that realization, did everything in my power to distance myself from Her, tried in futility to appeal to the false idol of cisness to respond to a world that feared my God. That has tried everything to make Her disappear. That has failed, again and again, and will continue to do so forever.

Only in this deepest darkness did my fight relent.

Especially to my trans sisters: know your power, embrace your divinity, share it with the world. God knows it needs it now more than anything.

This is truth. This is spirit. This is Pride.

I love you.