On Scott Hutchison.

March 25, 2019

On Scott Hutchison.

March 25, 2019

The Boondock Saints & an Old Old Fashioned;

The feeling of loss that accompanies the death of an artist you revere is such a tender and unique thing. It’s the kind of sadness you feel when you’re shaken too early from a dream you were enjoying, and can’t seem to recall the details no matter how hard you try. It’s a reminder of the potential for human connection that we are constantly presented with, regardless of acquaintance.

The music of Frightened Rabbit kept me company for months alone in rural Germany, and was the soundtrack to ease a painful heartbreak as I marvelled in melancholy from Budapest across to the Scottish highlands. Returning to these songs after the fact, you can clearly hear the pain in Scott’s lyrics, and it’s a beautiful gift that he chose to share his therapy with the world. .

Call someone you love today and remind them of that fact. We’ve all got the butterfly effect at our disposal.